Written by
Placement in the Holy Bible:
- Twelfth book of the New Testament
- Paul, who wrote this letter to provide guidance and warnings to the church in Colossae.
Intended Audience:
- Members of the church in Colossae and all Christians interested in the fullness of Christ, protection against false teachings, and principles of Christian living.
- To affirm the fullness and divinity of Christ.
- To protect the church from the influence of false teachings and false teachers.
- To provide guidance on the moral and spiritual aspects of Christian life.
Key Themes:
- Fullness of Christ: The divinity of Christ, His completeness, and the importance of salvation through Him.
- Opposition to False Teachings: Criticism of false teachings and false teachers, and affirmation of true doctrine.
- Christian Conduct: Personal morality, family relationships, and behavioural norms within the church.
Major Sections:
- Fullness of Christ (Chapters 1-2): The divinity and completeness of Christ, the significance of salvation through Him, and opposition to false teachings.
- Christian Conduct (Chapters 3-4): Guidance on personal morality, family relationships, and behavioural norms within the church.
- Chapters 1-2: Details on the fullness and divinity of Christ, the significance of salvation, and opposition to false teachings.
- Chapters 3-4: Guidance on personal morality, family relationships, and behavioural norms within the church.
- Fullness of Christ: Clear description of Christ’s divinity and completeness, and the freedom and salvation obtained through Him.
- Opposition to False Teachings: Critique of false teachings and affirmation of true doctrine.